29 September 2009

Pets now eat food!

'nother cool thing I had 2 sec to post... Coolness!

9 Circles of MMO Hell

Thought I'd drop this in real quick:

28 September 2009


Meant to put this up last week, but never got the chance… This week will be far busier than last, so here’s my AFK sign. Have no fear – I shall return!


22 September 2009

Ain't if fun!

Yes, I’m lovin Brewfest.  I know, I already got Brewmaster on my 3 – 80’s (on the first day of brewfest of course, lol).  But the keg tossing, defending the camp, and Coren are just fun to me.  It’s probably also because we make it into a guild event, and have everyone bring in any alts they have/want to bring.  But it’s also cool because he has some pretty good loot.  In fact, one of our shammies was pretty stoked to pick up the Tankard.  Another guildie picked up a remote, so that makes porting easier now that another char has it.  We also saw the Kodo and Ram drop in the same kill.  Which makes me wonder how his loot works…  Is it that each special item (mounts, remote, etc.) has a chance to drop, and we were just crazy lucky to have the 2 mounts drop at the same time?  Or did they change it now so that the ‘mounts’ have a chance to drop and you either get both, or get none?  I have no clue, but we have a guildie keeping track of every drop we get.  She did it last year and it was cool to see that we ran it something like 87 times…  It was also fun to come up with our own approximate drop rates, based on the runs and loot we received, since we ran it so many times.  Last year’s rates (by our method) was approximately:

Dark Iron Smoking Pipe - 23.2% 
Empty Mug of Direbrew - 15.1% 
Balebrew Charm - 11.6% 
Brightbrew Chamrm - 10.4% 
Coren's Lucky Coin - 15.1% 
Direbrew Hops - 25.5% 
Direbrew's Shanker - 3.4% 
Direbrew's Remote - 6.9% 
Swift Brewfest Ram - 5.8% 
Great Brewfest Kodo - 3.4% 

So not perfect, but probably relatively accurate.  It’ll be interesting to see how it turns out this year.  Except, we can’t run as many times since some of us (myself included) are working 15 hr days, including weekends.  Why oh why does brewfest have to come during my busiest time of year!

21 September 2009

Mmm, fast...

Yay!  It’s nice!  For those getting it this week, gratz!  For those who have to wait a holiday or two, hang in there!

18 September 2009

Brewfest 2009!

YAY!!!  ZOMG, can’t wait!  Cuz we’ll finish up this, and we get this too!  For which the tooltip should read “super-duper-extra-fast mount”.  310% speed baby!

Ok, so I’m not really sure which I’m more excited about, the holiday or the mount…  My fav holiday in the game because, well, it revolves around beer and it’s just fun.  Cool mount that goes really fast…  Except that means it’s the only flying mount I’ll use from now on, just for the extra speed.  At least druids will get their flight form speed increased.  I wish they would’ve made it an ability you learn, or something that affects all of your mounts.  Like a passive ability “traveled the world, experienced the holidays – 30% mounted speed increase”.  But oh well, can’t complain too much about it – it’s a holiday dedicated to beer!!!

Of course, it must come during my busiest 2 weeks of the year at my job, but no fixing that.  So oh well.  During your times celebrating this glorious holiday, drink one for me!

17 September 2009

Exalted or Exhausted?

So we hit 25 factions with Kurenai as the 25th.  Probably one of the easier/faster ones to grind up.  But after 25, I’m looking at the 40 factions one…  Yes, the title Exalted would be pretty cool, but by the time you hit 40 factions, I think the title should probably be Exhausted.  That’s seriously a lot of grinding to get there.  Not sure which one is next.  Possibly the Diplomat, but that means we have to go back and pop up the Timbermaw.  They’re only at neutral right now…  Oh well, I guess that’s why they call them achievements.

16 September 2009

What will go byebye?

With talk of the Cataclysm, I can’t help but wonder what will disappear, what will stay, and so on.  Which achievements will become feats of strength?  Which quests will we never be able to do again because of the changes?

One thing is for certain…  Those that join fresh and new will have a completely different experience from what we had!  It’s interesting to think how much, and how little, has changed over time in the game.

The parts I really wonder about though, are those quests and achievements.  Which ones do we need to complete before we can’t anymore?  Are there any titles that will be impossible to get after the cataclysm?  Minipets?  I have no clue, but I’m having fun racking them all up and working on them!  Even if it does get real boring grinding rep with some of the factions…


14 September 2009


Random thought – I think we should have “I’m not having a baby” party…  Everyone can get my wife and I tools and cool gadgets.

Ok, so it’s not quite random, it comes from the fact that a coworker is having a baby shower.  I mean, it makes sense – they’re newlyweds, having their first child, so yes a baby shower is nice.  Everyone gets them something that helps build the stock of essential items for having a baby around the house.  I’m totally cool with that.

I just think that if people are going to give you free stuff, and the government is going to give you a tax deduction just because you don’t know how to use birth control or choose not to use it…  Then why not give free stuff to those of us who choose not to have kids?  Heck, if the average couple has 2.5 kids (aka 2.5 baby showers), then give me 2.5 parties.  I’ll even space them out over a ~5 year span.  Totally equalize the playing field here.  Let people choose what their 2.5 parties are going to be for – a baby, or just for the hell of it.

Of course, this comes from the person who could care less about his own birthday, lol.

Don’t get me wrong – I like kids.  I enjoy my nephew.  I just don’t want any of my own at the moment or in the near future.  This also goes along the lines of thought that sometimes I think it would be better for the human race if we had to do something to have kids, not have to do something to not have kids.  Or how I sometimes think we need lifeguards in that whole gene pool…

10 September 2009

Reasons not to PuG

Yeah, just read it and weep.  This is an example of why I try not to PuG…  http://thebigbearbutt.com/2009/09/08/it-hurt-so-bad-and-thats-not-good/


03 September 2009

Long Weekend

All I can say is… YAY!  Long weekend coming up.  Get to chill, watch the cadets march (instead of being one myself… I’ve learned it’s a lot more fun to watch other people in a parade than have them watch you… especially when it’s your choice to do so!).  But after a week like this… I think it’s much needed.  At least I don’t have to work late tomorrow too…  Though with all the server troubles recently, at least I haven’t been getting frustrated that the realm was down or that additional instances couldn’t be launched.  Why?  Haven’t had the time to log in /sniff.  Oh well.  C’est la vie.