30 November 2009

Wow he has free time...




Yeah, I’ll just let you read it yourself.  That guy must have no life!  Of course, imo, he still hasn’t beaten the game because he hasn’t done that with all the races and all the classes…  But that’s just me.  For some reason, I’d like to think that it’s different to play a druid healer and a dwarf rogue, so to beat the game you’d have to do all those achievements on both characters.  And since a paladin tank is different too…  Yeah, you see where I’m going with this.

Anyway, I’m sure I’ll get back to blogging more often soon.  Been too busy at work to do it in the past few weeks, then last week was vaca…  Quick shout out and thanks to the nice Ogre who helped Lady X and I get the turkey minipet.  Didn’t really have any time to log in over the vaca since we were visiting family in KS, so Ogre helped us finish up the parts we didn’t have time for.

13 November 2009

The Grind...

Haven’t really had much time to play WoW recently.  Though we did start up 2 rogues for the Insane titleStupid junkboxes…  But since we’re on multiple accounts we can still get the 5 rep every 7 min while leveling the rogues.  Though it goes much faster doing the dungeon grind.  We’ve found it pretty effective and efficient to take 2 80’s in.  One rounds up one area & hurricane’s.  The other goes into the other area and does the same.  Then loot.  You’d be surprised how much gold you pick up from the mobs and from selling the trash!  The shoulders & chest pieces help too.  20% exp boost.  Got them up to 24 so far.  I wonder how far we’ll get them this weekend, after working on the MBA & all.

11 November 2009


I just wanted to toss out a quick thank you to all veterans and their families.  Now that you’re done reading this blog post, take a trip over to Applebee’s and let them thank you with a free entrĂ©e!

05 November 2009


How true, lol...

03 November 2009

Long... Time....

Ok, so 5 rep every 7 min, when you have 20,500 rep to go ‘till exalted takes FOREVER!!!