27 October 2009
23 October 2009
19 October 2009
Holidaiz Repetitive?
Ok, they’re fun. They break up the same old day to day. They take us to places we don’t ordinarily go, and get us to view content we don’t otherwise see. But sometimes I get the feeling that it is repetitive. Maybe that’s because I play multiple characters, but maybe because it’s the same thing every year. Like running kegs back and forth, or cleaning up stink bombs. No offense, but couldn’t they add something new each year, instead of just upgrading the boss to a higher level? Change something maybe? I guess the assumption is basically that you’ll do it once or twice and then be done. I guess they do add a new holiday from time to time, but I dunno. Just sometimes seems to be repetitive.
16 October 2009
So last night I was running a dungeon w/ the guild. Did a quick run before I had to go back to work. Figured they’d pug out the spot, do a dungeon, and I’d be home again and able to jump back in for another dungeon later. Well, I got home sooner than expected, to which my wife says “hurry up and sign on, our 5th dc’d so you can help take out the last 2 bosses.” I figure cool, so I jump back in and help take out the last two. Then everyone went to have dinner (why do they all eat so late?!).
So I’m bored, looking around and realize I only need 4 more badges for new gloves for my tank. Sweet! So I hop into lfg. After not too long, I get a wsp asking if I want to do Heroic Nexus. I figure that’s perfect - it’s a quick, easy run, done it many many times, and gets me the badges. Turns out the group was pretty good and we busted through pretty quick. So we’re on Keristrasza, and I figure I already have the achievement but I should still hop and keep the ice down to make it easier on the healer. Then we down the boss and I get two achievements – Intense Cold and Heroic: The Nexus.
Oh crap, I guess I’ve never taken Datouv into the Nexus before! Lolz. I guess that’s the prob w/ alts – you never know which ones have been in different dungeons and which achievements they’ve completed. Oh well, guess I needed to take Datouv in there after all! And he got his new gloves, so doubly cool!
14 October 2009
The Grind
So yeah, we’ve started working on Bloodsail Buccaneers rep. Figure it’s something easy to do, just takes a while. We’ve been working on ~4-5k rep per night before getting bored and doing something else. I mean, the achievement is cool. But is it worth it? I think it will be eventually. You know, once we’ve gone insane. But considering this whole thing also helps us towards another one it ain’t bad. I’ll tell you though, if we do ever manage the insane title… Yeah, that’s probably the last one I’ll wear for a long time!
09 October 2009
Haxxors Suck
Oy. So another hacker grabbed an account in our guild. Sucks that it happens, but the really frustrating thing is that this happens all the time and Bliz’ only response is retroactive. I mean, accounts are hacked all the time – if I ran Bliz, I’d have an automated system that detects Hacker behavior, and immediately suspend an account pending confirmation from the owner. It would at least limit some of the damage and cleanup necessary. Yes, you’d probably flag a legit person once in a while, but I’d rather that than have to deal w/ as many hackers as there are.
Eventually we get everything back (though this time they haven’t given it all back. Had over $3k in the bank and they’ve only sent us $500) but if they could catch hackers in the middle of wiping everything out, they’d then be able to log IP’s, connection info, etc. And all automatically. Then that would help them actually catch and eliminate hackers.
I mean, how hard is it to setup a system that auto-suspends an account when it w/d’s everything possible from the guild bank, sells everything or mails it away, then logs another character, does the same, and all within 30 min of each other? Add in some controls for email addresses if they’re changed during that period, and so on.
But oh yeah, I forget… It’s easier to just say “your account and password are your responsibility”. Best customer service ever. Yes, everyone should follow good password protection procedures. But even if you follow them… Someone can still hack your account anyway.
06 October 2009
Random ToC Note
Random interesting note since the patch, where we can now skip all the hooplah at the beginning… If you haven’t been in ToC since, you don’t get the option to skip. After you’ve seen it once, you then get the option to skip.
I find that interesting. Why? Well, my guess is the intent behind it is so that people will actually watch the opening at least once, since Bliz put the time in to code it. However, the only people that will watch it are the newbs who have never been there before, unless they’re going in with a group of friends (or a PuG) who have been through it. Well, either them, or the sadistic annoying people who start it just to be a pain, lol.
I just think it’s funny that they put so much time into coding an event like that, which everyone does their best to skip. Even before we were given the option, we found ways of skipping it and speeding the process. I won’t complain though – it was rather a waste of time after watching it that first time…