31 October 2008

Good and bad

The good news – Blizzard has given everyone a 3 day comp for the zombies and for the patch nightmares.


The bad news – Blizzard is looking at killing the class forums and turning them into role forums.  So now we’ll have level 3 hunters asking level 70 warlocks and mages how best to tame a beast…

30 October 2008

The Pets

And the first question usually asked of a hunter, is what pets they have.  I may as well start at the beginning.


Avalanche grew up just outside of Darkshire.  He has faithfully followed Galoriar to the ends of Azeroth and beyond.  In Outlands, he even MT’d several dungeons.  He will always have a stable slot for when he’s not romping around with Gal.  However, once I started getting into some of the more serious end game content, I changed from Beast Mastery to MM.  With the change came a new pet, so that I could focus on DPS.  I should note that until this point, our normal tank was a Warrior.  Great for tanking one or two targets, but we needed Avalanche to OT often.  So since we were then geared and running with groups that were built right for the content (no more running dungeons with a warrior tank, balance druid healer, and 3 hunters…), I found Tarleton in need of some love.  He took off right from the start.  Focused on DPS, he will shock you if you get too close!   (read as he’s a wind serpent).  And for the most part, he’s the one that I run with.

However, with patch 3.0, they made some fun changes for hunters.  Specifically, the Gorilladin!  Yes, he is cool, yes, he is awesome.  No, he will not steal Avalanche’s stable slot – they made extra room!  So recently I’ve been leveling alts (only have until Nov 3rd before the recruit-a-friend XP bonus goes away for my wife and I).  We’ve been doing a lot of one of us running our main through a dungeon and the other following with the remaining 3 chars, picking up loot along the way.  And with Gorilladin & chain volley???  Man we can crush through!  I send Gorilladin in, he picks up a room or 3 worth of mobs, brings them back, and I AOE down by chaining volley.  All that’s left is a pile of bodies and it’s off to the next room!  So Gorilladin will probably stick around for WotLK, and I’ll go back to Beast Mastery for leveling to 80.  After that, who knows.  He’ll probably always have a slot, specifically for leveling alts!  Oh, and his name is Mypally because he is essentially just that – my pally!


Of course, you'll want to know about my Hunter.  He goes by the name of Galoriar (often refered to as Gal).  I'll get to pets at a later point, but Gal started in 2007, pre BC.  He was actually 60 when BC came out, but since he was one of the first of our friends to reach 60, we held off for a little while before getting BC for the extra gold from quests.  However, we did get BC, obviously, and he is now a lvl 70.

For the most part, I'm a casual player who collects minipets and now mounts (though mounts will come after WotLK since they can be costly).  However, I do have the Champion of the Naaru title, and I've been to the final boss of SSC.  I hate talking about myself and doing the "I did this" and "look at me, I'm cool" so I'll leave you with just a few tidbits that are above, the link to my wowarmory, and I'll let Galoriar speak for himself.

A Start

Ok, so I figure why not have some fun and start a blog.  I probably won't post much, or will at the start, and will later give it up as pointless, but hey, it should be fun for a while!

So I think the first post can tell you a little about me.  For starters, I go by Xanther (and often just "X" for short).  Yes, the original.  Yes, the first to come up with it over 15 years ago.  Am I bitter that I have used that sn for so long and yet some other tard has the balls to think he can use my name on every server Blizzard has?  Yes.  Very much so.  Add to it that I can't get xanther.blogspot.com or xanther.anythingyoucanthinkof.whatever and it makes me mad.  So yes, I am Xanther - the original, the only true Xanther.

Now that we've cleared that up...  I'll post what my hunter is and more about him, such as why is this worth reading?