30 October 2008

A Start

Ok, so I figure why not have some fun and start a blog.  I probably won't post much, or will at the start, and will later give it up as pointless, but hey, it should be fun for a while!

So I think the first post can tell you a little about me.  For starters, I go by Xanther (and often just "X" for short).  Yes, the original.  Yes, the first to come up with it over 15 years ago.  Am I bitter that I have used that sn for so long and yet some other tard has the balls to think he can use my name on every server Blizzard has?  Yes.  Very much so.  Add to it that I can't get xanther.blogspot.com or xanther.anythingyoucanthinkof.whatever and it makes me mad.  So yes, I am Xanther - the original, the only true Xanther.

Now that we've cleared that up...  I'll post what my hunter is and more about him, such as why is this worth reading?

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