One thing that makes dungeons like Maraudon fun is certainly the people you run with. Whether or not a PuG will be fun I think is generally dependent upon the group you’re with. I’ve certainly been in PuG’s with bad groups. Why were they bad? Never that we weren’t geared or experienced enough to get through. That can be frustrating, but still fun with the right people. Similarly, a group that’s geared & skilled well but isn’t a fun group of people is a pain in the neck. But something like Maraudon… Well it’s just plain long. And that’s if you do it right the first time!
So last night, it wasn’t a PuG, it was a guild run. I had my 46 holy priest, Sthis took her 49 bear tank and we had our guildies with their (mains) 50-54 pally, mage & shaman. Yes, it took forever. But it was just plain fun. We only wiped once the whole time, I think. We certainly had some bad pulls, some hairy moments, etc. But since we were smokin’ & jokin’ the whole time, it was a blast. Not to mention, since my priest was so under geared (the only downside to the recruit-a-friend, lol. I haven’t played him since the 90 day triple xp bonus ran out essentially) that I picked up like 3 gear upgrades. I think I needed them pretty bad though, since the run definitely got easier the farther we got. Well, that and I know we all improved skill-wise along the way.
So now, sadly, their triple xp bonus means they’re out-distancing our priest & druid, but that’s ok – we have some in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and we have 80’s. So now we can make runs like those with our chars through all the rest of the levels with them. Though hopefully it won’t take as long for the other dungeons, but at least it was a blast!
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