17 February 2009


No, not talking about my hunter atm, but rather my 71 Pally.  I haven’t played him that much in a while due to in-game holidays, we’ve started raiding again, and I’ve been working on rep with some factions (dailies)…  But now that we’re done with holidays and Lady X has been saving me time by doing the dailies before I get home, I’ve been able to hop on with Datouv once in a while.

So anyway, this weekend was fun when I took him through Gnomer to help out some guildies.  It was awesome to just round up half the place, LOS them back to where the lowbies were, and just consecrate them down.  It was hilarious to watch the “dodge, dodge, parry, miss, dodge, dodge, dodge….”  Though I did cause an almost wipe once.  Yes, I managed to hit Alt-F4 instead of Alt-4 on accident.  One heals, the other exits the game.  Before I completely exited the game, my consecrate wiped out half of the group, so that was good.  Except they did kill the lowbies.  Luckily when I rebooted WoW and logged in, I still had 2.5k health and was able to res the group.  Thus not a full wipe, but still pretty funny.

Then last night Lady X and I ran our 65/68s through Hellfire.  Even fighting those guys I was still pretty invincible!  Now, I know these aren’t the appropriate level and all, but it was pretty awesome.

Ok, so yes, this weekend I MT’d Nexus with guild & friends that all had 71-73’s.  We did pretty well, though we had some healing issues and things, so we ended up bringing in one of our 80’s, but it was cool when we were actually running it!  It was quite a change to have things hitting me and knowing it’s a good thing – not that I should agro-dump ASAP…

So basically what I’m saying, is that I understand better now why Mypally (my gorilladin) has a superiority complex and half the time he’s yelling out “Let me just tank the damn thing myself!”  It’s because he’s near invincible, and he knows it.

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