29 June 2009


No, there wasn't any green smoke, but yes, it's ded. D E D Ded. Here, lemme try it this way:

Yes, my computer finally died last night. So with that in mind, it's been a fun stretch with this blog, but as it will probably be a while before I bother trying to get back into WoW (or getting a new comp), don't hold your breath - might be a while b4 I blog too.

Why not bother trying to get back into WoW? No point. Getting too frustrated with it, the game play, the pathetic form of customer service, and how bliz has been going with things, so I'd rather do something else with my time.

26 June 2009


This is one of those 'with some randomness thrown in' posts...

So yesterday I was helping run a retail store thingy (temporary store put up while we have an extra 400 people here). And we have clearly posted that the store closes at 1700. Now, I understand that people are still shopping at 1700, so we just shut the doors to indicate we're closed and it's just the last few finishing up (typical thing that many customer-service oriented stores do...). But when a guy comes in at 1730, past the closed door with clearly labeled store hours... and he remarks "wow, finally this place is empty and I can shop!" it just galls me. Especially when he then proceeds to look at every item in the store.

So that isn't enough? No? Well when he goes to check out, and sees the price - what does he do? Says "hmm, maybe I should go to my truck and get my credit card..." At least he a moment later said "do you guys take checks?". Now at this point, we're thinking "anything just to get rid of you so we can go home!!!". So we did finally get him out of the store at like 1750.

But seriously, who does that?!?! It's obvious he's the only reason we're there, and being polite to let him stay. But you also know that if we booted him out, he would have gone around telling everyone how horrible we are and that they should stay away from us. Ugh. Lose-lose situation. At least it's Friday, right?

24 June 2009

Flame Wars

Lolz. Illustrates flame wars, how they start, etc. But I think it also carries well into some of the general chats in WoW, some chats in raids, etc. Enjoy!

Warning: Check 6, Headphones Required.

18 June 2009


‘Nother one comin’ up!

Midsummer Fire Festival – aka, fireworks and bonfires, and dancing nekkid Drenai on fire

No, not going to explain the best/fastest way to gain the blossoms, other bloggers will do that.  Instead, I’ll part some random musings.  I think the holidays are just plain fun.  They give a break from the same old everyday WoW.  No need to focus on leveling an alt, no running XYZ instance again b/c it’s a guildie’s fav, no super focus on raiding, etc.  And there’s stuff for characters of all levels to do things.  ‘sides, you can just about get 2 titles out of this one…  Fire God and Been Around the Block!

15 June 2009

Words & Accents

Nay, not about how it’s pronounced Da-la-ran, not Dolerum.  Or Kite-en not Chit-en.  Rather:

There are some names and words that they just shouldn’t put into children’s vocabulary.  You know, those shows that they watch when growing up…  Like for example, Thomas the Train Engine.  I know a certain little one that pronounces “er” more like “ew” so “Percy” comes out more like… well…  Yeah, makes it sound not quite so PG!  Makes it hard not to laugh too, lol.

So anyway, there’s the random thought for the day.  Enjoy.

09 June 2009

Quick SV Update

So first, is it sad it's faster to use my Pre than my comp for this atm?

Anyway, first shot at SV proved it was better DPS than BM, even w/o glyphs or practice.  Makes me sad b/c BM is more suited to hunters since they have pets and all, but oh well.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

06 June 2009

Palm Pre

Dude, i'm blogging from my palm pre, lol.  I actually grabbed the last one in the store!

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

05 June 2009

Droodz gots color!

Haha!  Occasionally Bliz does realize some changes that should be made and makes them!  What do I mean?  Well, 2 components here…

1 – Druids are in form over half the time.  Well, most of the time.  Currently, each form looks the same from one character to another.  Only difference is that Boomkins carry their weapon so you get to see that.  But other than that…  Yeah.  One of the strengths of an MMO is that you get to create a character and live in that world.  How you look and what you wear (ooh, shiny armor!) is a part of that, and helps build identity.

Of course, that forced unity by look has, I think, resulted in a sort of “Druid Community”.  Because they are so similar and so unique to the other classes, they have a unity among them.  So this changes that a little – but considering they still only have a few options among all of them, and it doesn’t make their classes look like the others, I doubt this’ll change much.  If anything, it may strengthen it further.

2 – Is it really important to change the Druid form models?  Yes and no.  Yes, because it’s something people have wanted for a while and it adds a new dynamic to the game, thus increasing the desire to play, etc.  No, because there are plenty of other things for Bliz to work on, such as a new area like the Sunwell Plateau or a new expansion, or other bugs and things in the game.

So anyway, it’s cool.  It’ll be nice to see some differences.  I’m still waiting for them to make the Tree & Boomkins have a similar skin capability (Christmas Tree’s for those w/ green hair?  Willow for those w/ white?).  Well, waiting for that and for Hunters to be able to tame…  (ducks as Lady X gets ready to throw a book at me from a few miles away)…

04 June 2009

Mountain Dew

Dewd, check it out, it's cool!

Mountain Dew Game Fuel Alliance Banner

They're actually giving stuff away, to include Alienware Computers!

When to Respec?

No, I don’t mean “We need DPS, can you respec Boomkin instead of Hug-a-Tree?”… Why? Because I’m a Hunter, lol. Well, I may post on it at some point anyway, but that day is not today! Haha!

Anyway, so I still don’t have a Spirit Beast, though I haven’t been trying recently. Call me exhausted from trying, take one look at my schedule with little to no time for WoW, and yeah – I’ve essentially temporarily given up. I’ll get back to it at some point, but I’m too busy right now. What does that mean? Being a Beast Mastery hunter is not currently necessary… But I still have hopes, so I don’t really want to switch… /sniffle

Why do I want to switch though? Because SV hunters are crushing DPS on BM hunters right now. Well, it’s been that way for a little while, but I’ve been ignoring it because I wanted to find a Spirit Beast. Considering I’m finally getting to play my main again in Raids (OBS this past TUE, Naxx this FRI/SUN, and EOE on SAT, since RN has grown and no longer needs me to be on my tank each time I’m on…), I need to once again be pushing the max DPS out of my hunter as possible. And that means a respec.

But what is it that finally makes me not /cry too much over a respec? Dual Specs. Yes, this is probably one of the few points in having Dual-Spec on a hunter (unless you lucky SOB already have a Rare pet and need BM so you can pull him/her out from time to time)… And that is so I can be an SV hunter for raids, and be BM so I can still search for the Spirit Beast. I guess another reason would be to compare DPS of specs, but I don’t have time for that, lol. Anyway… After cranking out the gold for my third character w/ epic flying, I finally have enough for him to get his cold weather flying too (in another 6.15 levels) – in addition to a respec for Galoriar. Thus… I guess it’s time.

So now that I’ve rambled, I have to laugh that it took this much thought to make the decision. My paladin and druid both got Dual-Specs pretty much the instant I logged in on them after the patch which enabled Dual-Spec. No thought necessary there, lol.

03 June 2009

Happy Anniversary to Lady X and I!

3 Awesome years together and I'm looking forward to the next 100 or so... :) Yes, by that time they will have extended how long we all live, just so Lady X & I can spend more time together, lol.