05 June 2009

Droodz gots color!

Haha!  Occasionally Bliz does realize some changes that should be made and makes them!  What do I mean?  Well, 2 components here…

1 – Druids are in form over half the time.  Well, most of the time.  Currently, each form looks the same from one character to another.  Only difference is that Boomkins carry their weapon so you get to see that.  But other than that…  Yeah.  One of the strengths of an MMO is that you get to create a character and live in that world.  How you look and what you wear (ooh, shiny armor!) is a part of that, and helps build identity.

Of course, that forced unity by look has, I think, resulted in a sort of “Druid Community”.  Because they are so similar and so unique to the other classes, they have a unity among them.  So this changes that a little – but considering they still only have a few options among all of them, and it doesn’t make their classes look like the others, I doubt this’ll change much.  If anything, it may strengthen it further.

2 – Is it really important to change the Druid form models?  Yes and no.  Yes, because it’s something people have wanted for a while and it adds a new dynamic to the game, thus increasing the desire to play, etc.  No, because there are plenty of other things for Bliz to work on, such as a new area like the Sunwell Plateau or a new expansion, or other bugs and things in the game.

So anyway, it’s cool.  It’ll be nice to see some differences.  I’m still waiting for them to make the Tree & Boomkins have a similar skin capability (Christmas Tree’s for those w/ green hair?  Willow for those w/ white?).  Well, waiting for that and for Hunters to be able to tame…  (ducks as Lady X gets ready to throw a book at me from a few miles away)…

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