31 August 2009

[#c.T.] FTW!

Hellz yeah, busted out some fun stuff this weekend.  Kara was pretty cool, we busted through it so fast it was ridiculous.  So funny to think that way back when, it took 2 full nights.  Also hit up some of the others like Zul’Aman.  Magtheridon was a bit harder than the last time I ran it though…  Of course, considering last time we had 25 lvl 70’s and this time only one lvl 70 and like 5 80’s…  That might be why, lol.  But the 500g split among only like 6 people and the challenge of actually getting him down was totally worth it.

In case you can’t tell, it was an achievement weekend for us, lol.  Last few weeks we managed to get Classic Raider, Outland Dungeon Hero, Northrend Dungeon Hero, and then a slew of others such as Emerald Void and Experienced Drake Rider.

And this is why I’m glad that bliz added achievements to the world.  I mean, we could do these things on our own, just for the hell of it, but it’s rewarding to see the thing flash across your screen.  Or when you’re just plugging away and you see it pop up in chat for a guildie.  It’s also a fun way to look at your character and see how many different things you’ve done.  Some people might say ‘I’ve done all the raids in the game and have this awesome gear’ others ‘I’ve got 37 different titles’ and others ‘I’ve got over 75 minipets’.  To each his/her own – it’s one cool way to customize your character and let it reflect what you have done with your char.  Though I tell you, after becoming an Accomplished Angler on two diff chars… I’m not planning on going for it on a third for a while!

So anyway, gratz to those that got the achievements with me this weekend, and thank you for your help.  Teamwork is the only way to get them (either that or a hell of a lot of luck!).

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