16 October 2009


So last night I was running a dungeon w/ the guild.  Did a quick run before I had to go back to work.  Figured they’d pug out the spot, do a dungeon, and I’d be home again and able to jump back in for another dungeon later.  Well, I got home sooner than expected, to which my wife says “hurry up and sign on, our 5th dc’d so you can help take out the last 2 bosses.”  I figure cool, so I jump back in and help take out the last two.  Then everyone went to have dinner (why do they all eat so late?!).

So I’m bored, looking around and realize I only need 4 more badges for new gloves for my tank.  Sweet!  So I hop into lfg.  After not too long, I get a wsp asking if I want to do Heroic Nexus.  I figure that’s perfect - it’s a quick, easy run, done it many many times, and gets me the badges.  Turns out the group was pretty good and we busted through pretty quick.  So we’re on Keristrasza, and I figure I already have the achievement but I should still hop and keep the ice down to make it easier on the healer.  Then we down the boss and I get two achievements – Intense Cold and Heroic: The Nexus.


Oh crap, I guess I’ve never taken Datouv into the Nexus before!  Lolz.  I guess that’s the prob w/ alts – you never know which ones have been in different dungeons and which achievements they’ve completed.  Oh well, guess I needed to take Datouv in there after all!  And he got his new gloves, so doubly cool!

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