27 July 2009

New Comp

Yay!  New comp on the way.  Finally got around to ordering one – now I just can’t wait until it arrives…  So bliz still annoys me, but that’s not new so I won’t bother explaining right now, lol.  Anyway, since the comp blew up I hit 80 on my 3rd char so I now have a tank, healer & dps.  The sad thing though, that I realized today, is my tank has more wrath raid achievements than my hunter!!  L  Not cool.  /sniff

So why did my pally get more love than my main?  Tank shortage.  Seems that no one wanted to play a tank or healer after wrath came out, too excited about DK’s and their mains and all.  And now while working on the MBA and working 6-7 day weeks because it’s summer…  I don’t have time to raid and to catch my main up.  Ugh.  I dream of the day that either Lady X gets a nice cushy job and I can be a stay at home husband (work on the car, landscape, etc.) or I find some awesome job that I don’t have to do anything at all, go to work, etc. – and get paid millions for it.  One of the two would be cool, lol.  That, or winning the lotto, but you have to enter to win that one.


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