31 July 2009

Seriously? That's normal?

So yeah, new computer is pretty awesome.  Didn’t get a complete gaming one, though it is a quad-core w/ a 24” monitor…  It’s amazing the difference between the old & the new.  For example, the old one had the graphics settings so low that I didn’t realize that you had a shadow…  It’s fun to fly around on a druid watching your shadow – just don’t forget about the trees, lol.

I’ll tell you though, it’s nice to be able to jog through Dalaran with minimal lag!  Or even being able to log in without being afk’d out before you even load…  It was also cool to dualbox on a single computer and have both running far faster than only one on my old comp.  Our internet still sucks though, so I can only do so much.  But one thing I definitely did do was to take a screenie of the mountains with the sunset in the background.  It was the first time I’ve been able to see that far in ages, and it was amazing!

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