10 August 2009

New Dungeon

Nope, haven’t had a shot at it yet.  One of these days…  Gotta love it when life gets in the way and you don’t have time for it.  Or when you do finally have the time, and no one else is on.  Oh well.  Just 1 more year and the MBA is done.  Then we should have a little more time on our hands.  You know, like 30-40 more hours per week…

In lighter news, I picked up Jeeves this weekend!  Well, I don’t have him yet.  Got the schematic on SAT and actually had almost all the mats on our various characters.  Only needed to farm a little Adamantite and Thorium and that was it.  And buy the stones, but that’s because we’re saving our Titanium for a couple other things, so we don’t want to prospect it yet.  So why do I not quite have him?  Well, we only have 4 Titansteel cooldowns among our chars, so we used all 4 on SAT.  Then we didn’t log in on SUN evening (when the cd was up) because of the MBA, so the next time I log in we can burn the 4 again and I can finish Jeeves!  Yay!

Then I realized I hadn’t made Moll-E yet, so I made him too, lol.  It’s nice to be somewhat useful as an engineer!


Rae said...

I think Moll-E is a girl...

Xanther said...

Interesting conjecture. I'd say guy though, for 2 reasons.

1. "Use: Creates a portable mailbox for 10 min. MOLL-E is not destroyed after use. (2 Hours Cooldown)"
Just like guys... 10 minutes worth of shopping every 2 hrs is a lot. But it's a slave so it can only put in so many restrictions. If it were female, it'd change it's outfit every time you called it, have matching accessories you could get, etc.

2. "Mobile Oversized Letter and Literary Extractor"
Yeah, I doubt I'd survive telling a female she's overweight, not matter how politely I put it...
