Yes, all hunters alike are pining away since they heard the news. I would analyze the nerfs to show you what I mean, but, well… here’s my two thoughts on that.
1. 75% or more of hunters are huntards. They wouldn’t understand it, wouldn’t appreciate it, and it wouldn’t matter to them.
2. BRK already did a VERY well thought out post on it here. I might differ on one or two points, but he’s got it mostly correct. Hopefully the other 25% of hunters will read his post and take most of it to heart.
But I do want to add my own thoughts to the mess, in no particular order:
· This is, without a doubt, the biggest nerf the hunter class has seen. We have a right to be sad/mad, no matter if it is needed or not – it’s a huge nerf to our class. This many changes will mean a big change in gameplay and will no doubt be a pain.
· Announced it in the forums? Really? Like, are you serious? Wow. Hey Bliz, do you need a communications manager? I’ll even work from home to save you the cost of a commute to CA. We can negotiate a salary, but just require any outside communication or announcement like this to go through someone before it’s just dumped.
· Hunter’s, particularly Beastmaster are doing too much DPS. Well, is it all hunters, or just Beastmaster? If it’s just Beastmaster, then it’s probably solely because of the pets. If so, nerf the pets. Or, nerf the hunter. Balance them out? Do something to attack the problem? It makes sense that a hunter pet should do 30% of a hunter’s total dmg. So go off that ratio and try to fix that problem – not create new ones. I don’t mind nerfing a class if it’s needed. Just nerf the right things, not the wrong ones.
· Aspect of the Wild is raid wide. I don’t think I’ve ever really used this one… I mean, I trained it just cause, and turned it on once, and… yeah… it’s not on my bars or anywhere. Why? Generally the DPS put out by hawk or beast is more important. If you want to make an aspect raid-wide, pick a useful one like Viper. But back on topic – how does this help adjust our DPS to put us more in line with other classes? Like seriously – think about it for a minute… Wake up Bliz – it doesn’t. Don’t include this in the same list of fixes to adjust our DPS – put it in the list of ‘oops, meant to make this raid-wide when we were doing the same with other talents across the board’. Though I’m still not sure why it’s even in there.
· If hunters are doing so much more DPS than the others, then ok, we need nerfs. It was nice that the hunter class was finally useful despite all the huntards. So thank you Bliz for making our class wanted again for a few months. And now I’m going to go play my druid since you seem determined to make hunters the most hated class in the game.
· I personally have not seen the need for nerfs, but then I haven’t had the time to do any lvl 80 dungeons, heroics, etc. Been too busy with work and my masters. So if we really do need to be taken down 20 pegs that’s fine. Just please put a piece of duct tape over Ghostcrawler’s mouth… well… hands… so that he can’t break it to us by dropping a bomb in the middle of a city. Let someone else put an official notice on the WoW homepage, an in-game mail to all hunters, put out a press release, announce it on TV, I don’t care. Just something more professional than in a post on the forums.
So a list of real changes that need to be made for hunters?
· Hunters are meant to be stealthy. They stalk animals so they can sneak up and kill them. They use traps so they can hunt while they’re not in the area. Their pet helps them track the targets. So why don’t we have a stealth skill? I know, rogues (or druids pretending to be rogues) are the only ones allowed to stealth and move at the same time. But why can’t hunters do it too? I mean, it’s a rogues profession to do it, so they are able to do it faster/better. But what if hunters could do it, but just move at only 25% speed? Our cats can prowl…. Then they could prowl with us… Wouldn’t that make sense? And, I know that we can track things ourselves, but shouldn’t it be the pet that does half of the tracking? Or maybe it boosts our tracking ability? Perhaps it’s farther distance or higher levels, etc. How about they can hear rogues coming, as long as we remain still?
· Bigger pet bar. Need more slots for when bliz messes up and makes things like cower auto-activate and we have to turn it off. Or since they have more skills now, perhaps some of us like to manage which skills they use in the middle of a fight to maximize DPS? Oh wait, that’s only 25% of hunters max, so scratch that one.
· More pet stances. Perhaps ‘defend group’? I mean, it’s a pet we have trained that will literally jump off a cliff if we tell it to. So why won’t it defend our friends too?
· Passive Aggressive. For the lazy bums out there that want the pet to auto-attack every time they do. Give us back our Defensive stance. Then the huntards can have their button and the rest of us can have ours.
· Auto-delete-hunter-characters for any huntard uttering a phrase like “Misdirect? What’s that?”. Then lock them out of being able to create a hunter ever again until such a time as a hunter has reviewed their progress. Then only give them a trial period, in which they are required to pass certain skill tests such as a successful Misdirect, successful chain-trap, etc.
So anyway. If we need the nerfs fine. Just do 2 things – announce it professionally, and make sure you’re nerfing things that need to be nerfed, not creating new problems.
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