Ahh yes, Gorilladin rocks.
Last night we figured we’d try for the Reins of the Raven Lord. We thought that we’d be pretty set with our boomkin-spec’d healer, hunter pet tank, and our lvl 80’s that are geared at about lvl 78. Thus we invited a guildie tank with us for safety, lol. He was busy initially, so we just started clearing trash and although it required concentration and coordination, we did it with relative ease. Then our guildie joined us, and it was a lot easier. Though we discovered that a lvl 80 gorilladin is a better tank than a 74 ret pally. He was easier to heal, and kept agro w/ no problem, etc. So we ended up keeping him as our MT. And awesomeness of awesomeness, the reins actually dropped! /cheer!!! So now we just need to go back and do it many more times so that Sthis & Galoriar can both get a pair since our guildie won the roll, lol.
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