21 April 2009


Survival of the fittest – I survived this past weekend!

Actually, the way I plan my events is that everything is done prior to the event.  That way during the event I can, for the most part, sit back and just enjoy it.  Especially true of this one since I didn’t even have a speaking part – everyone else took care of that!
  Granted I was running around like crazy the day of the event because 1 person decided to be a pain in the neck – nevermind I was coordinating an event for 249 other people and he was annoyed he wasn’t eligible to fully join…  Nevermind the extra hours wasted because of him…

But anyway, that’s also somewhat how I like to do instances/raids.  Coordinate beforehand, read up on the bosses & trash, etc.  Then when you’re running it, you can just enjoy and have a great time.  No need (most of the time) to worry about finding a PuG, no need for lengthy explanations, just jump in, buff up and off you go!

So since I was on this topic anyway, I figure I can also put out a plug for anyone on the Nazgrel server that wants to raid with friendly people and have fun runs… 
http://www.raidnazgrel.com.  It’s basically a PuG but w/o the PuG.  You can stay in your current guild, and just sign up for a raid if/when you can make it.  Only real requirement is that you’re not annoying, lol.

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