07 April 2009


Haha! My first alt to reach the level cap! Back in BC I got Galoriar to 70 first, got him all the way to raiding, then started leveling alts and got the second account to dualbox them all up. But between in-game holidays, speed leveling as many as possible, and raiding... Didn't have time to get any other char to 70 before WotLK. And now I can shows u!

Ironically enough, our guildies were conspiring against us... We were racing our alts against a guildie's main. So SUN night, they helped him stay up late and get all the way down to one quest turn-in. Knowing I was going to be at work until late yesterday, he waited to log in to turn it in and beat Lady X and I. Little did he know I had time to come home for dinner. So while Lady X kindly made dinner, I finished off grinding. I ding'd 80, logged off (had to run back to work!) and almost instantly he logs in. Saw that Lady X was on, said "wanna race to 80?"... Ding! And less than 10 min later Lady X ding's. So now I feel bad because even though they were conspiring against us we still could have won!!! If only we didn't need to eat! But I guess it's not so bad, I'd consider it a tie since we hit 80 before and after him. Regardless, that's one more guildie for heroics!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The guildies were not conspiring. In fact, this guildie pulled the other guildie off leveling for help running Caverns of Time (Hilsbrad & Black Morass) thus actually *delaying* his hitting 80 by about an hour and a half.

and those men in white coats are not after you, no...