11 August 2009


So I’ve determined, ToC is just plain crazy.  Not the instance itself.  Actually, I find it rather fun.  Kinda nice to have the champion-style dungeon, similar to VH but better.  Essentially no trash to bother with, and if you wipe – you get to start from where you left off.  So it’s basically boss fight after boss fight.

No, the ridiculous part is the loot.  I can’t believe how long it took to gear up before the latest patch.  I mean, badge farming or raid farming was about all your choices.  And with the lockouts, that meant it took weeks before you got a drop.  Or even had a shot at it!  Galoriar ran Nax regularly for a bit, and there’s still plenty of upgrades in there for him.  Kurandel, on the other hand, will soon be able to run ToC on heroic, and pick up gear better than Nax.  And he can farm it for the gear too! (If I had the time).  I mean, I know bliz is trying to make it easier for people to gear up so they can do all the end-game content, but seriously?  Other than just for nostalgic runs, achievements, or to show some newbies the zone, will anyone even bother with OBS or Nax?  What’s the point if you can take 30 minutes and get better gear off H.ToC?

Sry, it’s just frustrating to me.  Yes, it’s nice to be able to gear up my alt quickly.  But half of the fun is in actually earning the gear…


Kaylarra said...


Maybe check this out!

Xanther said...

Hadn't seen that one yet. Waiting for the Star Wars MMO. Not sure how good it'll be tho...