06 April 2009

5 Min

So in my haste on Friday amidst my all-day nightmare meeting, this post seems to have been deleted rather than submitted.  I apologize, I left you hanging all weekend with no new material!

So anyway, the power of 5 minutes…

In RL, I plan many events and work with multiple departments and constituencies.  Something I’ve always believed in, is spending a few minutes with the people that are helping setup the event.  Yes, I’m paying them, and no, I don’t have to say a thing to them.  But I do it anyway to be nice and to build a relationship.  Something I’ve found from that is they will bend over backwards to make something happen for me now.  For example, they were able to handle the event fine a while back when we were expecting 75 people and were overly successful – over 150 people came…  They also have a beer waiting for me when I find 2 seconds to stop over and pick it up since I’m busy running the event.

So how does this apply to WoW?  Very simple – 5 minutes can be important.  Whether with guildies or friends, taking a few minutes to help them is usually a good idea.  The “hey, can you help me on this quest real quick?” or the “can anyone run me through X instance?” are a chance to spend some time with a friend, and help get them to 80 (or geared) faster.  Not to mention, they are inclined to do the same for you later.  Our guild has so many favors owed both ways, that no one really cares about collecting on them.  We know that any of us can ask for help and the favor will be returned at some point in the future.  It’s quite nice to be in a guild like that!

So since I was posting something along this thread anyway, it was deleted, and now I’ve rewritten it, I get the chance to also add in a shout out.  Thanks go to Ogre, Testy & Efess for the Gundrak run through.  Lady X & my alts are now almost to 80!

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