05 November 2008

Gorilladin Intelligence Nerfed!

I am now sad – they took away intelligence from Mypally with patch 3.0.3.  I’m not talking about the stat – I’m talking about actual intelligence.  While he used to only Thunderstomp when there were 2 or more mobs within range, he now does it for a single mob.  So if you’re trying to pull multiple mobs, you’ll need to turn off auto-thunderstomp and hit it manually.


This setback in pet intelligence is not helpful on the way to one of my most desired pet skills…  A “Defend Party” stance.  I mean, come on – Gorilladin spends hours with my friends.  They heal him as much as I do, and appreciate it when he’s taking the blows instead of them.  Many of them have leveled with him as well.  So why does he not have the ability to defend them too?

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