18 November 2008


So it’s great being a hunter for many reasons.  But yesterday was because of the use of Explosive Traps…  We’re all crammed into Northrend starting areas (well, a little spread out, but you know what I mean).  So we’re running around and this hunter keeps KSing from Sthis because he has an instant shot and she, as a Boomkin doesn’t quite (well, she does, but it’s harder to grab quick agro on respawns and such.  Hunters just put pets on agro, lol).  He was also being just plain rude by stealing the boxes she had to pick up because something would attack her, and she couldn’t get to them.  It wasn’t too bad because I quickly finished mine and then ran interference for her on hers.  But tell me, isn’t that just mean and annoying?  I mean, share dude!  Go get your own boxes!


So this leads me to why I like traps – specifically how you can use them in retribution against huntards…  So obviously we’re in the same area doing the same quests (as are others).  We get to the point where we needed the drop off of 3 specific mobs.  Me being a nice hunter, I invited some of those around us into our group (I mean, come on – I’ve got a guaranteed pull, it’s just not fair to them!).  Along comes little huntard.  Now, he could use a trap but I doubt he knows what it is.  So I put mine down right on the spawn location.  Few minutes later – kaboom! – he’s ours and the little huntard tries grabbing agro first to no avail.  We share the loot among those of us grouped and go on our merry way while huntard sits and sulks.


Couple things that could’ve happened differently…  Huntard could have been nice the first go around.  He would have had an invite when we were going for the specific mob and saved himself time and trouble.  Or, well, it’s obviously beyond his comprehension, but he could have also dropped a trap in hopes that his hit first.  Lastly, he could’ve picked a different class and not dirty the name of Hunter.  After all, I may not be a Survival Hunter, but I do know how to use a trap.

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