18 November 2008

Wrath & 80

Am I level 80 yet?  Nope!  The people who have made it to 80 and cleared almost all current end game content are just plain nuts.  Yes, I took 2 days off (Thursday & Friday) of work.  Of course, Thursday morning I installed Wrath and got our computers ready since my wife had to work.  I didn’t get into any content more than checking if our mods were working.  I cleaned the house, dualboxed our alts a little to level them, played CS 1.6 (WC3 of course), and made dinner.  That way Sthis & I could jump right in together.


Did we power level?  No.  What’s the point?  These are our mains and we want to enjoy the content.  Instead, we have been taking our time.  We started on the Howling Fjord side, worked our way to the Borean Tundra, etc.  Yes, our hearthstones are Dalaran and we’re still only 73.  Granted, we have 450 fishing and the achievements for 1k fish, bronze gold and silver coins, etc.


So will we be a world first?  Nope.  But we will have done the content to get there.  And with friends.  We get to find some of the random hidden things in the game that others won’t.  We’ll fly into certain zones and those 80-rushers will follow us.  Then we’ll disappear because we’re in a more advanced phase…  And yet they beat us to 80.


Ok, yes I wish I could have taken off a few weeks to drink beer and play WoW nonstop.  But I can guarantee that if I had a 15 year old he would know to take a break once in a while, keep eating food, and not pass out from a video game – he’d be playing with me!

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