But something we've found interesting is that some of these holidays bring out the best and worst people. For example, there is the nice person that sticks around for an extra 2 minutes so you can hit them with flowers to finish off the achievement. Even though you're the 3,849,133rd person to do that to them this week. On the other hand, you have the annoying people that camp the egg spawns rather than run around and have some challenge to it. And then they get mad at you when you run in and get it because even though their mouse was hovering over the spawn point, you were still quicker. Lol! Very useful to do that when every single spawn point is being camped... See, if everyone were running around, we'd all have a chance at the eggs. But oh well.
So the other note to share, since I haven't been here to blog in a bit... is that Heigan is annoying. Not hard, by any means - just annoying. In fact, for a 10-man raid, you can actually down him with just a tank and a healer - provided they know how and when to move. It's just a matter of dividing the room up into quarters and moving from 1->2->3->4->3->2->1 for the most part. But it does require minimal lag, and that the tank moves him appropriately.
So why do I say he's so annoying? Pets. You want to use your pet for the extra DPS, however he likes to stand behind the boss. If the tank is running in the direction of the next safe zone, that puts your pet right in the dead zones. Heck, I even tried putting it on passive, but since it was following me, with just a little lag it wound up dead too. So then, how do you actually keep your pet alive during the fight? The tank needs to be completely on top of their game and running to the safe area, turn the boss 90 degrees to pause while safe, run to next safe area, etc. Then, keeping on passive during Phase 2 and essentially doing the same yourself. That way you and your pet (or the tank, boss and pet) are all aligned with the safe zone rather than across it.
Now, of course, that's just a theory (we didn't have time or energy to fully try it - only had 3 of us, tank, healer, me, on the first try and only 5 on the second try) but put it to you this way... Light 2 fires that are 12" tall and 4" wide each, with 2" of safe area between them (so left to right is 4" fire, 2" safe, 4" fire). Then try putting a 1" player, a 2" boss, and a 1" pet in a row. They only fit one way within that safe area. No, those aren't meant to be accurate numbers, just a visualization of what I mean. Now, try to tack on the timing of the whole thing and that's what makes it harder. It's honestly much easier to just forget about the pets and make sure everyone else stays alive.
Nevermind, too confusing. Just look and think which would work better: A or B.
And yes, I realize that one is far easier, and it's not the same as which is better. So anyway, I'm done mourning the deaths of Travelform and will end this post....... now.
Em, no way in hell is there time to do that. even if there WERE time to do that during phase one, your pet would die in phase 2 anyway.
And even if I do pivot the bastage 90 degrees, I do not belive your pet repositions.
Short story, I dont belive pets can survive this fight.
Long story, its not even necissary. 99% of the fight was me you, and the healer, and even then it only took 16 minutes. Throw another DPS in there, that doubles our DPS, and it would take 8... Another 2 (6/10 ppl alive shouldent be that hard.) 4 minutes.
Heigan is not a DPS fight. And while I appreciate what your doin here, the challenge of the fight is personal responsibility, not maximising DPS.
Guess I sorta resent your saying that I, as the tank, "should" be doing more to increase your damage. I betcha you would be singin a different tune if you tanked the fight with Datouv.
But, Ill tell you what. Ill try to work with your pet (who was stuck on a crack 90% of the time anyway) IF you hax the damage meters to give me credit for travelform's DPS.
Much love, but its not as easy as you think, I think.
You misunderstand if you think I was saying we "should" have done it differently. You are correct, if just one more DPS were up, it would have taken half the time especially considering that without a pet I only do ~60% DPS. It wasn't that a tank "should" do that to keep the pets alive, mostly that it's the only thing we "could" do to make that happen.
Also, you'll note I mentioned that when I tried keeping him on passive (because just his mere presence means I do more DPS whether or not he's attacking) he still died, so I would have to modify how I ran w/ him too, so I could better keep him out of the dead zones.
As for the pet being stuck in the crack, that's because he died and I used HoF to bring him back. It was just unlucky that he was stuck on the crack on that attempt upon rez, so he lasted until the first wave hit him. However, I did manage to pop off BW while he was up, so that helped some.
To the point of turning him, to get the pets to also position, it's not just a 90 degree pivot. That works for mele humans because they reposition. But a 90 degree pivot and a slight backpedal (so the mob follows a pace or two) means that the pet follows and positions toward the rear. Again, takes extra time which we don't really have in this fight.
So long story short, it's just a theory on how it might be possible to keep pets alive, even though the goal of any fight is to take down the mob(s) - not keep the pets up.
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