29 May 2009
He jumped from 30k feet and never pulled the cord...
I also have to say thanks to Southwest for the free drink on Monday. In honor of Memorial Day, they gave a free drink to all military. The acknowledgment of what the military does, and who they are is appreciated.
24 May 2009
Viva Las Vegas!
Yes, that's where I'll be soon! Tomorrow we head out there and won't be back until Saturday morning - very very early (aka we fly in Friday night). So no, I probably won't be able to post until next week. Anyway, have fun and rock on! Now it's time to clean up, pack, and try and finish off Kurandel to lvl 70 b4 we leave...
23 May 2009
Dude, wtf?

W T F? No idear. kinda lost. I mean, Damage Control? I'm seriously confused. Damage Control?
Ok, so honestly, it's because bliz coders are idiots and they made it so that the argent tournaments' NPC's are considered PLAYERS and somehow the math of 1+1=300k....????!?! Nevermind. They aren't that bright. They make money so they think they're cool. If they were smart, they'd hire me for $250k per year and they'd make billions. But they're not, and we play the game anyway cuz it's fun, so they win. Lol! I revel in my own enjoyment...? I lost. U here? U smart? Oy...... Vaca starting Monday!!!!
22 May 2009
So we ended up running ahead and tagging them before he could, lol. Eventually he ran off, but geeze, why?
20 May 2009
Quick, Fast, Fun
Personally, I think situations like those can be learning opportunities. You can build on them. And if it is done well, you have a situation like we did last night... We ran OBS. We did it quick, fast, and it was fun. Plain and simple. So thx to those that ran with us! I enjoyed it.
15 May 2009
Does anyone else set goals for themselves in WoW? I mean beyond the obvious “hit level 80”…
I just got onto the topic because I realized today that I might actually be able to log on late tonight! Well, not certain, depends on when my conference call is done and how much work it means after it. In other words, I may not actually be able to log in until SUN. Regardless, I started thinking about “ok, I haven’t played for like a week – what do I do first?!”.
So then I started thinking of plans I had. Like finishing the Argent Tournament on my mains. Leveling my third toon to 80. Getting some more heroic dungeon gear for my tank. Getting my mage the last few levels to 65 so he can finish leveling enchanting. Getting the Salty title on my second character. Saving the cash for the parts I need for my chopper (since I’ve already saved up enough for my 3rd toon to get his swift flight form + cold weather flying). And so on.
But then I realized that none of those are actual goals. They’re really just things I’d like to do at some point, but won’t be real heartbroken if I don’t achieve them. The real goal for me is to have a good time with Lady X. After the last few weeks, I’m really looking forward to sitting down, relaxing, and spending some time with her while we just chill and have fun.
13 May 2009
If I had a puppy...

Lolz. Anyway, hopefully I'll have time for WoW again soon.
11 May 2009
I don’t know of anyone that would intentionally interrupt a 3-Star General. Especially when he is the featured speaker, and most especially during a commissioning ceremony (we commissioned ~100 officers on Saturday). So it was rather shocking when it was a 3 year old that did it. Talking loudly, running loudly, standing up and bouncing up and down on top of his stroller, playing with his toy gun that happened to make nice loud clicking noises, and so on. Yes, apparently neither the mother or grandmother cared, considering they were both there and were letting him do that. But I guess you can’t have high expectations of a mother who changes her baby (her other child, not the loud one) at the back of the Field House. No, she didn’t bother walking outside. No, she didn’t bother going to the restroom. Just plop down, setup, and change away. UGH! So anyway, I’ll give you this video just for fun because it's semi-related, and quite entertaining.
Pregnant Women are Smug from Erika Lindhome on Vimeo.
I guess what I’ve realized is that I have a high tolerance for kids – they’re fun and nice! I just have a low tolerance for poor parents.
08 May 2009
When is an alt, not an alt? Can you have two mains? Interesting things to ponder…
For example, if you have two 80’s and you switch between them for dungeons/raids and dualbox with them when not in dungeons/raids, then occasionally dualbox with them in a dungeon… Does that make them both mains? But if one has your preference (because it has all the achievements), does that mean it really is the main? Even if you don’t get to play it as much?
What about specs? I know I certainly have a main spec and an off spec for Datouv (main is Prot, off is Ret). But I know there are those who have two specs that they bounce back and forth all the time. Those ones are excited for dual specs – even more so than those of us who just wanted it to make questing go faster, lol!
But anyway, that’s just food for thought. My brain is pretty fried this week. It’s finals week for the MBA, I had two evening events to run this week (one for 12 ppl, the other for 200), got another 2 on Saturday, another on Sunday… Going on vacation in another week so I have to catch up on work and get ahead… Yeah, pretty much just fried brain right now.
05 May 2009
How to confuse an Ogre? Hehehe…
So Naxx this weekend was pretty enjoyable. 3 wings on the first night, last wing & Sapph on second night. Tried Kel, but he just didn’t want to die – even when he was @5%... Oh well – he’ll go down this weekend!!! I hope.
Anyway, back on track. So we get up to this guy called Patchwerk. Nice simple fight that’s basically a tank ‘n spank. Max the DPS to kill him before enrage timer, heal up the OT & MT lots, etc. We work him down and as he nears the enrage timer? He goes down. Then what pops up? Ding by Lady X!
Needless to say some people were a little confused by which pet dropped from Patchwerk. Personally I thought it was pretty funny, lol.
04 May 2009
Heigan still sucks!
Oy… Well, we beat our 15 minute fight this weekend. This time it took 20 minutes! Again, there were only 3 people up the entire time, but we did get through it. Afterwards, we laid out where the safe zones and all were, so that we could have everyone practice when there weren’t any dead zones to accidentally run into. Interesting thought though – I sorta wish that you could flip a switch in that room to turn on the floors. That way you could actually practice. Granted, there’d need to be a safe place for at least one rezzer to chill so that they can wipe up the bodies after the practice, but I think it could be a useful idea.
But it also got me thinking – in Wrath the bosses seem to be getting more creative. Things like pushing a button in mid-fight to zap all the spawns, making a boss harder by leaving one of his buddies up for the fight, tossing tanks back and forth between platforms, and so on! So it was just a random thought I figured I’d share. So take it and do what you will with it, lol.
01 May 2009
Dining Out
Woohoo, I survived the Dining Out! Ok, well I was the speaker, which means I was at the head table which is un-groggable… But anyway… Fun times. Even for not having an alcoholic grog!
So everyone’s rambling about the Swine Flu. That means that I should… nevermind, don’t really care too much. Everyone else is covering it so I don’t need to. ‘sides, I don’t have a cool picture of a baby pig to post. Other than – I hope it doesn’t interfere w/ my trip to Vegas in a few weeks!!!
So what next then? It’s a weekend? Well, aside from a huge paper due for the MBA, that also means more raiding! RN is coming along and interest is beginning to pick up. It’s getting back to where it was in BC, which is awesome. We have yet to clear 4 wings in one weekend (mostly just kept running out of time, but there were a few bosses we couldn’t get past here & there), but I think we have a good shot this time. Regardless, Heigan will be easier, lol, though I’ve no doubt we’ll run into some other walls to conquer. Oh well, c’est la vie! And on that note, Au Revoir!