15 May 2009


Does anyone else set goals for themselves in WoW?  I mean beyond the obvious “hit level 80”…

I just got onto the topic because I realized today that I might actually be able to log on late tonight!  Well, not certain, depends on when my conference call is done and how much work it means after it.  In other words, I may not actually be able to log in until SUN.  Regardless, I started thinking about “ok, I haven’t played for like a week – what do I do first?!”.

So then I started thinking of plans I had.  Like finishing the Argent Tournament on my mains.  Leveling my third toon to 80.  Getting some more heroic dungeon gear for my tank.  Getting my mage the last few levels to 65 so he can finish leveling enchanting.  Getting the Salty title on my second character.  Saving the cash for the parts I need for my chopper (since I’ve already saved up enough for my 3rd toon to get his swift flight form + cold weather flying).  And so on.

But then I realized that none of those are actual goals.  They’re really just things I’d like to do at some point, but won’t be real heartbroken if I don’t achieve them.  The real goal for me is to have a good time with Lady X.  After the last few weeks, I’m really looking forward to sitting down, relaxing, and spending some time with her while we just chill and have fun.

1 comment:

Rae said...

Don't forget getting your 75 pet achievement.