29 December 2008

Heal my pet! Please.

So the other night I had a discussion with one of my healers.  Let’s put it this way…  He basically didn’t see any reason to help heal my pet unless it’s our MT.  I say “help heal” because hunters have a little skill called “Mend Pet”, which is quite a powerful rolling heal for a single target (aka the pet).  Thus during fights which a pet is taking any damage at all, it should have Mend Pet on it 100% of the time – don’t waste your healer’s mana!

But anyway, back to why a healer should heal a pet.  First of all, a healer’s job is to heal the raid.  Granted, responsibilities are split between healers, but their job is to keep everyone (or as many people as possible) alive long enough to take down the boss.  Next, consider the fact that healers have to heal Mele DPS because of Boss AoE and such.  You also have to heal the OT.  So considering a pet is a Mele DPS that can easily OT (especially since 3.0.2….), it would naturally follow that you also heal pets.  Not convinced yet because you don’t like Hunters?  That’s ok, there’s plenty more reasons!

DPS.  Say it with me…   Deeee  Peeeeee   Esssssssss.  So you’re seriously going to tell a rogue they can’t fight with poisons because you don’t want to heal their poisons?  Or tell the DPS warrior to only fight with one sword because you don’t want to heal it.  Perhaps your druid DPS should fight out of form because you don’t want to heal boomkins.  No?  Ok, so maybe we should heal a hunter’s pet because according to stats, a hunter’s pet can do up to 50% of a hunter’s damage.  Look at the charts, in some cases, that could be 2k DPS that the raid loses during a boss fight all because the healer didn’t see any need to heal a pet.

Buffs.  Everyone loves them, most people have them.  Now, so do hunters.  Yes, a hunters pet can actually add DPS to a raid, help break through a boss’ armor, etc.  They also mean that the hunter (& pet) gain 5/10% more heals.  Thus, the pet is helping you do your job.

OHMYGODHE’SAFTERTHEHEALER!  Ok, this one only applies to groups with smart hunters, so this one may not count for all healers.  But for those who do…  Anyone ever heard of a skill called InterveneChargeGrowl + Guard DogRoar of SacrificeBoar’s SpeedMisdirect?  Catching my drift yet?  Probably the fastest ways to get a mob off a healer is with a pet.  Hand’s down.  Pet draws agro, becomes an OT (hmm, didn’t we mention pet as OT before?), pulls the mob back to the MT, and can then even dump agro after the hunter MD’s it back onto the MT, or hold it until MT gets agro, or holds it until the battle is over.  Lots of options.  Of course, if the healer didn’t keep the pet alive, everyone would blame the hunter because their pet died and they didn’t have enough DPS.  Or blame the tank because they didn’t keep agro.  Not blame the healer because they weren’t doing their job…  It’s self preservation guys!  Heal the Pet!

Everyone is nice to the tank who wears plate and gets beat on.  Yes, big repair bill!  I understand perfectly and I do the same.  I mean I wear mail and don’t get beat on very much (aside from wipes), so mine is half the cost.  Except when I’m using Mammoth Cutters to maximize DPS.  Or when feeding my pet his glorious food to keep him doing 125% DPS.  Or oh yeah, buff food?  I’ll take 2 of those please, since I need some as does my pet (which I have to use twice as much when the healer doesn’t heal my pet).  So cut the crap and heal my pet.  Call it ‘giving me the trash green drops for my repair bill’ because yes, that helps too.  Maybe I’ll post some numbers later to show how much a hunter’s repair bill is…  It’s a bit closer to a Pally/Warrior tank than you think.

Ok, so I’ll stop rambling.  I doubt there’s many healers reading this, so if there are and they still don’t understand the reasons to heal a hunter pet, let me know and I’ll tell you one on one.  Because yes, there’s more reasons.  And if you don’t believe me, here’s a link that my healer sent me today.  Ironic enough that he and I had the conversation a couple days ago and then he reads this on one of his blogs, lol.  But hey, he’s a healer, not a hunter.  I wouldn’t presume to tell him how to use his specific skills which is why I just say to heal the hunter pet, not how to.  And he understands now, so that is good!  Now let’s rock on, ALL together, including MyPally!


Inspired Ogre said...

Good post! I think you should also go through the 'honey' reasons your pet should be healed, as well as the 'vinigar' reasons. You covered some of the reasons why pets are good to have around (maybe all?) but you didnt mention blood of the rhino, or the fact that healing a pet helps pad the healing numbers and makes healers look better.

I do have to say, though, that, if you count pets into the raid as a target for heals, as you suggest, they will still die the most out of all the other raid members, as they should. They are the lowest priority. But, they diserve to be a priority.

Inspired Ogre said...


Im calling you out! Normally, I would do it via email, and be more cordial, but you dont have an email posted anywhere, and so, here I am, in ur blogz, takin ur manz.

Okay, made no sense, but, anyway. I challenge you to join Blog Azeroth, as I have, so we can take over the WORLD!

Xanther said...

LOL. No, I don't have an email posted anywhere. I probably need to set up one somewheres...