06 March 2009

What do you do w/ a drunken sailor?

Well, aside from the fact that it's a really cool song... Yes, I know what to do with a drunken sailor. But what I really mean, is do you know how to be a leader in a virtual world?

Plenty of people can lead fine when they're dealing with people in RL, but I think they often forget those same skills when online. No, there isn't a specific instance I'm referring to (hence no achievement to hand out here), just an observation. Or rather speculation. I've seen some pretty poor leaders, so it makes me wonder how they lead in real life.

On the other hand, I may just be too optimistic. Perhaps they just plain suck as leaders in RL and thus they are better leaders online, lol. Either way, it's rather interesting to contemplate. Well, it is for me, and if you've read to this point, it must be (to some degree) to you as well.

1 comment:

Inspired Ogre said...

oh, oh! give examples of good and bad leadership in game!