04 February 2009


So I’ve been thinking for a little while about how do you actually “start” a blog?  Anyone can create one for free.  You can even post content pretty easily.  And some people will find it, generally friends are the quickest to do so.  Google Analytics helps track who visits (sometimes depressing, but it’s been cool to watch the numbers very slowly grow).  But how do you advertise, when you’re really just blogging for fun and don’t intend to drop money into advertising?

Well, the other day I saw a widget on BRK’s site and it piqued my interest.  It was for Entrecard.  Pretty simple little thing – put the widget on your blog, and it creates a network of bloggers.  You can “advertise” on other people’s sites (all adverts must be approved by the blog owner, hence why on my blog you will only see adverts related to my own blog in some manner, such as Gaming, WoW, etc.).  But the other cool thing, is using Entrecard to find other blogs.  Neat way to find new blogs and to get your name out there as well!  So feel free to click the new widget and expand your blog list.  It should be fun to see how word spreads!

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