04 February 2009


After spending hours and hours on something and feeling a sense of accomplishment for it, it’s nice when someone stops and says “wow, that’s cool!” or “where did you get that?!”  or “how can I get one of those?”  Yes, it’s a vanity thing for all of us…

But to be honest, the really cool thing is when you see someone else with the same achievement.  For example, the other day was the first time I came across another person (other than Lady X) who had the Salty title.  He happened to be horde.  Normally I’d see if there was a way to gank him, but instead, I saw the title.  I did a /wave, a /bow, and headed off.  He did a /kneel, and we both /lol and /wave.  I know, a quick little inter-change.  But I’m sure it put a smile on his face, as I know it did myself.  We’ve both traveled the world fishing various types of fish.  We’ve both won the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza.  In fact, we probably competed for it at the same time.  But it’s just plain cool.

And though I would consider that one of my more great achievements, I’m also just as happy when a guildie gets one such as Level 40.  Why?  Because that’s just cool.  It also means they’re one step closer to doing heroic 80’s with me.  And I remember what an achievement it was when I hit 40 on my first char!  Or when you have to ask them if the got an achievement on purpose or on accident…  Always good for a story!

So I know, somewhat random.  But that’s why I try to say things like “cool mount!” to people when I know that they had to do extra work to earn it.  (Yes, I will get that one some day.  We’ve only tried 25 times so far…)

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