26 February 2009

Pet Changes

So after my post the other day about why I hang onto that many pets…  It’s because WoW is constantly in flux.  Undocumented changes (ty MMO-Champion):


Hunter - Pet

    * Thunderstomp (Gorilla) has been removed as a pet skill and replaced by Pummel - Pummel the target, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec. (20 Focus, 5 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown)

    * Thunderstomp is now a pet talent available to any Tenacity pet. Now your bears, crocs or ESPECIALLY CRABS can join in the AE tanking fun.

    * Savage Rend (Raptor) now temporarily boost the raptor's damage by 10% for 30 seconds.

    * Furious Howl (Wolf) now only affects the wolf and its master, duration increased from 10 to 20 seconds.


So this means I can pull Avalanche back out!  BRK wonders about a Worm Thunderstomp, I wonder about a bear.  What does he do?  Sneeze?  Maybe they should add a pushback effect to it…  No idea, but I might have to go find the most random of Tenacity pets to be a new tank…


Inspired Ogre said...

The bear will supplant the gorilla as the premere pally-wannabe... With swipe emulating Hammer of the Righteous, and thunderstomp for Consecrate, all is topsey-tyurvey now!

(BTW, why is it a Gorilladin, anyway, thunderstomp=thunderclap, not consecrate... And with the bear, swipe=cleave.... I never understood this.)

Xanther said...

It's not about the skill/talent and what it is the equivalent of. It's about the type of tank. Pally's are most wanted - Gorillas are most wanted...