You always wonder who is reading your blog. Especially when still a new blogger. But I have to say that adding the entrecard to my blog has increased awareness of the existence of this little blog. On the right, you will often see “advertisements” for other blogs. I try to keep them related to WoW, Gaming, etc. otherwise they would just be spam in the eyes of my readers. But I do suggest clicking through to some of them. You never know when you might stumble across a blog worth adding to your RSS reader.
Ok, what I’m really saying, is that on Sunday, BRK will have an Ad on my site!
Yes, probably not noteworthy to non-hunters out there, but for the hunter world, BRK is one of the best sources of hunter information. Why? Multiple reasons. For starters, he periodically uploads videos full of information. For example, while in wrath-beta, he showed the new pets coming up, how to use their talents, etc. Another reason is that his “brain” posts are just plain funny. But they’re also full of information for any hunter that wishes to learn. There’s more reasons, but I won’t bore you to death. Just check him out for a bit and you can see why.
But anyway, while I doubt he reads my blog, it’s cool to know that he knows it exists. So while awareness continues to grow, I will continue to bore you with my random thoughts, huntard stories, and if I get time – further explanation of “The Hunter Dance”.
BRK is pretty nuts about finding new WoW blogs through Entrecard. He ended up being my first WoW ad through them.
Entrecard card helps with awareness (that's how I stumbled across you anyway). You also might want to stop by Blog Azeroth ( and say hello to fellow bloggers over there. Other bloggers are also potential readers! :)
Thanks Hana, and welcome!
Yes, I need to get over to Blog Azeroth at some point. Keep forgetting and not having enough free time!
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