27 February 2009

Us vs. Them

I’ve always been an Alliance type, myself.  Warcraft, Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3… Always played Alliance side until I beat it a time or two, then I tried the Horde.  I just never had as much fun on that side, even though they always seemed OP compared with the Alliance.  It has just always felt like Bliz spent more time designing and working on the Horde.  I mean, “For the Horde!” just sounds cooler than “Glory to the Alliance!”.

Thus it wasn’t surprising that my first few chars were Alliance, and that I only play my horde on occasion – like for a holiday that I want to try getting some random achievements on them.  Was I surprised that the Alliance typically lose BG’s against Horde?  Nope.  However, I think that has more to do with the players than Bliz.  The Horde does seem to have a mentality of “For the Horde!”  Consistently, I see an epic battle between 1 Alliance and 1 Horde.  Another Horde passes by and helps finish off the Alliance before moving on.  Same situation, an Alliance comes riding by…  and they ride by.  I mean, it’s about the Glory!  Go down by yourself in the middle of nowhere, triple-teamed by the Horde, but there’s glory in it!

Well, that and it seems the Horde is made up of people of all levels of maturity.  Alliance?  Very mature, and very immature.  You do get the occasional nice, thoughtful person that comes and helps out.  However, more often than not, you get the 12yo who says “I’ll pay you 5g to dance naked.”

Of course, this could be partly because I rarely play my Horde, so I just don’t see it as much.  So yes, not much point to this post because, well, I’ve always been Alliance at heart and always will be.  Even if it means  playing in BG’s with 12yo’s against a well coordinated machine of destruction.

Though I do have to ask – why does it seem that the Horde only need 2 siege weapons and 15 seconds to finish the final door in Wintergrasp when it takes the Alliance 6 siege weapons, 2 minutes, and we still can’t do it?

26 February 2009

Pet Changes

So after my post the other day about why I hang onto that many pets…  It’s because WoW is constantly in flux.  Undocumented changes (ty MMO-Champion):


Hunter - Pet

    * Thunderstomp (Gorilla) has been removed as a pet skill and replaced by Pummel - Pummel the target, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec. (20 Focus, 5 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown)

    * Thunderstomp is now a pet talent available to any Tenacity pet. Now your bears, crocs or ESPECIALLY CRABS can join in the AE tanking fun.

    * Savage Rend (Raptor) now temporarily boost the raptor's damage by 10% for 30 seconds.

    * Furious Howl (Wolf) now only affects the wolf and its master, duration increased from 10 to 20 seconds.


So this means I can pull Avalanche back out!  BRK wonders about a Worm Thunderstomp, I wonder about a bear.  What does he do?  Sneeze?  Maybe they should add a pushback effect to it…  No idea, but I might have to go find the most random of Tenacity pets to be a new tank…

6 what?

Hmmz…  Friends creating work for friends…  Lucky me – I can epic /fail at it, lol.  Completely deleted WoW on Monday, so I no longer have a screenshots folder.  I ‘spose that means I can’t post any photos.  And on top of that, the people I’d tag have already been tagged!


Well, at least as of this morning WoW is finally back up and running so I can start taking screenshots again.  I was having so much lag it was literally painful to walk around Dalaran.  Anytime I logged in (anywhere), I would go grab a snack or drink or something while I waited for it to load.  ~5-10 min later, I could come back and start playing.  Ping & interwebz were fine, but the fps of 1 or 2 was a bit ridiculous (couple years ago this was a top of the line gaming comp).  So this morning, after a fresh install, Dalaran was fine.  Except that’s off hours and w/o any addons.  So we’ll see what happens in peak time w/ addons back on.  If this doesn’t work, it’s off to try cleaning up one of our other old comps and using it instead.  And last resort, a new comp for me (y for they gots to be so expensive?).

25 February 2009

Random Thought

Ahh, it’s good to be a Hunter.  (No, that wasn’t the random thought – that’s a constant thought and just an opening….)  Ever been out somewhere and had to go AFK real quick?  Yes, rhetorical question because anyone whose played WoW for more than a day has had that happen.  The difference is that other classes have to worry if their character will be alive when they return.  Hunters, on the other hand, have faithful guardians by their sides at all times.

Granted, I have come back to an almost-dead pet once or twice, but a quick mend pet and a little DPS and you’re good to go.

But that’s one reason why I wish you could tell your pet to Guard-Party.  I mean, what if you’re helping someone of another class and you both need to go AFK?  Your pet may literally just sit there and watch them die!  Seems a little bloodthirsty to me…  However, GC has told us before that they are not adding any more stances for pets.  /sniffle.  I also want a Passive-Aggressive stance…  But alas, I will have to wait until around patch 4.6.0 for them.  Maybe eventually…

24 February 2009

I want

Yes, I know that it's just a possibility, since it's just on the PTR. But I think he'd be pretty cool. Coincidentally I was thinking about hunter pets earlier today anyway. I was thinking about the different pets I have, and why I have them. Theoretically, hunters just need 2 pets. 1 for solo/tanking (MyPally), and the other for DPS (Travelform). So why do we have more than 1 stable slot?

Well, we need 2 stable slots. 1 for the other pet, and the 2nd for the new one we're leveling and will shortly replace an existing one.

But we have 4 slots (5 pets total)! Then I realized, that of course there's more reasons to have pets. First of all, we're hunters and pets are our friends. But you have to have a nostalgia slot (Avalanche and Tarleton, in my case). Or room for your exotic pet while you're temporarily a different spec. Or as a place holder for your exotic pet for whenever the damn thing spawns for you...

But anyway regardless of how many stable slots we have or need... I want one!!!

23 February 2009

The Hunter Dance - Part II

The Hunter Dance – Part I (I’ll continue to put previous version links at the top for reference and for ease)

What’s one of the biggest terms, aside from Huntard, when talking about a Hunter and their skill? Their “Shot Rotation”. Ironically enough, it’s no different from “Spell Rotation” on other classes. After all, the other DPS are using their spells/hits in the best order for the most Damage, healers for their healing, tanks for threat, etc. Yet you don’t hear about the others quite as often. Why? Because a slight change for everyone else doesn’t have such an amazing affect. I won’t go into full theory crafting here for which rotations are best, pull out a target dummy, etc. because I just don’t have the time. All it takes is one boss fight to understand what I discuss here. And the main point too, is that there is no best “rotation”, but rather a Hunter needs to be flexible and able to change in the middle of a fight rather than mash buttons in a pre-determined order.

First – The primary timer we’re looking at is not the casting timer. Most of our shots are instant cast (aside from Steady Shot, of course, or Volley which is channeled, but you know what I mean). Thus the real timer for hunters is cooldowns (CD’s) combined with the GCD.

Shot rotations have changed over time. Many people have focused on spamming steady shot. It gives you extra damage (especially now that autoshot is no longer clip’d) and it’s brainless. Easy Huntard thing to do. No. There is way more to it now. Here’s a couple reasons why:

  • No more clipping of autoshot.
  • Arcane Shot had it’s mana requirement nerfed.
  • We have endless mana ßThis one will be covered in a later section.
  • You can be more effective by doing additional shots

Ok, so now we ask – what else should we be doing? Well, there’s a couple shots out there to play with.

The first is Arcane Shot. Instant cast shot that packs a punch (especially depending on your talent tree). If the CD on this one is up – use it. No further discussion.

Next? Multi-Shot. Again, instant cast, hits 3 targets, and packs a punch. For me, this one regularly crits, and each bullet has a chance to crit, so you could theoretically (and I often do) do 6 times as much damage in one blast with this sucker (yes, I’ve done combined dmg of 7.5k with it). It’s also useful when combined with a MD, as referenced in Part I. A lot goes on with this one, so it’s not a “Is the CD up? Yes – fire!”. For starters – this is an easy way to be called a Huntard when what you really have is a Retardin or similar tank. The reason? If a CC’d mob is too near the tanking center – your Multi-Shot will hit the CC’d mob. I have no physical proof, but I think Bliz coded it in so that happens. You know – 20 mobs attacking the tank, one CC’d 10 yards away and another 20 yards the other direction, Multi-Shot hits one good shot and breaks both CC’s… But I digress. A smart tank, will ensure everyone knows when and where to use their CC. That way, the CC is in one area, and the tank in another. Many tanks don’t know how Multi-Shot works, so they don’t understand that there needs to be more distance between them and the CC than simply the distance of their AoE. They need to be far enough that you have a clear shot at the 3+ targets on them. Teach the tank about Multi-Shot and they will be happy to see your DPS rise dramatically because they are now a better tank. Now, if the tank repeatedly tanks in a manner that does not allow you to use your Multi-Shot even though the instance allows for it – you’re a Huntard for not telling them. Also in consideration with Multi-Shot is Aimed Shot. They share CD’s, so you’ll need to balance the two. Multi-Shot is for when with multiple targets – Aimed Shot for when with one. It’s a big shot and helps reduce healing to that target. Awesome for PvP! But aside from the DPS, it’s also useful on some trash & bosses! In fact, sometimes it’s more important to lose some of your DPS by casting Aimed Shot than Multi-Shot. And for those, I’m sure I’ll cover it later…

And now for the 3 stings – Serpent Sting, Viper Sting, and Scorpid Sting. Considering they share a CD, you obviously need to determine which one you want to keep up on a mob, or in which order at what times…

We’re a DPS class – Serpent Sting should be your primary choice. I may catch flak from this one, but no joke – of the 3, this is the only one that does damage. Use it. Previously, people said not to use it due to mana drain, which was arguable, but now with endless mana – use the thing. I have been in multiple situations where a Serpent Sting actually killed the boss after I (and most of the group) had died. Use it.

Oh, you’re in PvP? Then use Viper Sting. Mana drain… This is the only place it’s useful. PvE is either too short (aka you kill them before their mana is gone) or the mob is immune (aka a Boss). Simple as that.

Scorpid Sting? This is the one to switch out with Serpent Sting on occasion. First occasion – you’re with another Hunter so you figure out who is using what and split it up. Second occasion? You’re ->| |<- close to finishing the boss, but the tank keeps dying. They just need a little bit more to push them over the edge. Thus you toss this on and the boss does roughly 3% less damage to them (no, not theory crafting here, just a rough estimate based on its intended affect). That may be more important than you doing extra dmg, so be conscientious of this during each fight.

Wow, so much to juggle… Am I done? Nope… Can’t forget Concussive Shot! Well, the only place it is really helpful is on either regular leveling mobs, or possibly trash. Though once you get into Heroics or Raids, everything suddenly seems immune. However, when it works – 50% movement speed is rather effective. This doesn’t help your DPS much, since the mob should never be hitting you, but it does help your pet. Or tank. Neither one of those like being hit more than necessary, so anything you can do to help limit that is good. Happy pet/tank with more health? You’re alive longer to do more dmg.

Traps? Unless you’re survival, they’re generally not worth it. Other than CC (other discussion here)... Simply put, they don’t do enough dmg to outweigh you running into mele range, setting a trap, and then disengaging out. However, if the fight(s) already require a lot of movement, it may be simple and effective to add in a trap.

Btw, don’t forget Mend Pet… It has a CD too… While it doesn’t do DPS itself, it helps keep your pet alive, who is helping your DPS. And if your pet is taking any dmg at all, it’s a good idea to keep this one up. No blaming your pets death on your healer if you didn’t have mend pet up from the start, and your pet wasn’t doing anything to specifically commit suicide.

Less than 20% health on the boss? Of course that means we have an additional shot to think about and use… Kill Shot! Mmmmmmm… Deee Peee eSsss. 3k AP means: (roughly 130 weapon dmg? And it’s doubled so…) 260 + 1.2k + 650 which means you do a base hit of 2,110 dmg. However, and this is one of the reasons I don’t really theorycraft, I regularly do between 6 & 8k dmg on this with crits. Either way, this one gets used every time it comes up on a boss fight. And that’s over every other shot you’ve got.

I should probably also point out the Volley can be useful too. No, we’re not an AoE class. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t AoE – it just means we only AoE when there’s a good reason. Such as, there’s 20 mobs w/ little to no health attacking the tank. If there’s 4 or 5? Volley is a waste of mana because you can do more damage with other shots and use less mana.

And on top of all those that you’re balancing… There’s aspects too. Thankfully they’re off the GCD (finally!) so you can pretty much pop in and out of them as necessary, but that is for another section.

So now that I’ve outlined the different shots that Hunters have and general rules of how and when to use each one individually… The Hunter Dance is the ability to weave them together, shot after shot, for maximum effect. Any idiot can say “my shot rotation is steady arcane steady steady arcane”. You can even make macros that do it for you! However, that idiot would also be labeled Huntard. Thus, in any given fight, a Hunter will juggle the above as necessary. I can look at a fight and decide if I will need to use arcane, concussive shot, scorpid sting and aimed shot. The next fight it could be better to use arcane, multi and serpent. Or, in the middle of the fight, different needs arise and you need to change up what you’re doing right then and there. Thus the dance of bouncing between them all to maximum effect for each fight.

21 February 2009


BRK's on my site!!! -------->

20 February 2009

Huntard Achievement

Imagine my surprise last night when running with another Hunter I saw him receive this achievement:

Huntard Achievement


19 February 2009

New DNS!

Since I’ve been having fun keeping the blog going, and my reader base is growing, I’ve decided to use an actual web address instead of the simple blogspot.com one.  You will note, you can now go directly to http://www.xantherblog.com/ for my latest updates!  Of course, if you’re still using http://xanthersz.blogspot.com it should redirect you.

18 February 2009

Who Reads?

You always wonder who is reading your blog.  Especially when still a new blogger.  But I have to say that adding the entrecard to my blog has increased awareness of the existence of this little blog.  On the right, you will often see “advertisements” for other blogs.  I try to keep them related to WoW, Gaming, etc. otherwise they would just be spam in the eyes of my readers.  But I do suggest clicking through to some of them.  You never know when you might stumble across a blog worth adding to your RSS reader.

Ok, what I’m really saying, is that on Sunday, BRK will have an Ad on my site!

Yes, probably not noteworthy to non-hunters out there, but for the hunter world, BRK is one of the best sources of hunter information.  Why?  Multiple reasons.  For starters, he periodically uploads videos full of information.  For example, while in wrath-beta, he showed the new pets coming up, how to use their talents, etc.  Another reason is that his “brain” posts are just plain funny.  But they’re also full of information for any hunter that wishes to learn.  There’s more reasons, but I won’t bore you to death.  Just check him out for a bit and you can see why.

But anyway, while I doubt he reads my blog, it’s cool to know that he knows it exists.  So while awareness continues to grow, I will continue to bore you with my random thoughts, huntard stories, and if I get time – further explanation of “The Hunter Dance”.

17 February 2009


No, not talking about my hunter atm, but rather my 71 Pally.  I haven’t played him that much in a while due to in-game holidays, we’ve started raiding again, and I’ve been working on rep with some factions (dailies)…  But now that we’re done with holidays and Lady X has been saving me time by doing the dailies before I get home, I’ve been able to hop on with Datouv once in a while.

So anyway, this weekend was fun when I took him through Gnomer to help out some guildies.  It was awesome to just round up half the place, LOS them back to where the lowbies were, and just consecrate them down.  It was hilarious to watch the “dodge, dodge, parry, miss, dodge, dodge, dodge….”  Though I did cause an almost wipe once.  Yes, I managed to hit Alt-F4 instead of Alt-4 on accident.  One heals, the other exits the game.  Before I completely exited the game, my consecrate wiped out half of the group, so that was good.  Except they did kill the lowbies.  Luckily when I rebooted WoW and logged in, I still had 2.5k health and was able to res the group.  Thus not a full wipe, but still pretty funny.

Then last night Lady X and I ran our 65/68s through Hellfire.  Even fighting those guys I was still pretty invincible!  Now, I know these aren’t the appropriate level and all, but it was pretty awesome.

Ok, so yes, this weekend I MT’d Nexus with guild & friends that all had 71-73’s.  We did pretty well, though we had some healing issues and things, so we ended up bringing in one of our 80’s, but it was cool when we were actually running it!  It was quite a change to have things hitting me and knowing it’s a good thing – not that I should agro-dump ASAP…

So basically what I’m saying, is that I understand better now why Mypally (my gorilladin) has a superiority complex and half the time he’s yelling out “Let me just tank the damn thing myself!”  It’s because he’s near invincible, and he knows it.

16 February 2009

The Love Fool

I s’pose the new title epitomizes me…  We did, obviously, manage to get the achievements and snag the title.  However, both Lady X and I were not able to pick up all the drops.  Even though we checked almost every hour from start to finish.  The only one I’m missing is for the minipet (yes, I have like 68 of them so far and need ones like this for the 75 achievement…).  Lady X is missing the black dress, though she got one last year.

But that’s not why I say I’m a love fool.  Or, well, Lady X is.  Depends on which way you look at it.  She didn’t have to go to work today, so last night she set an alarm for every hour, and checked Galoriar to try getting him the minipet.  All the way up to 6AM…  Unfortunately, I didn’t get one, but she def scored some husband points!!!

So yes, this post fulfills 2 things.  A – makes Ogre happy because he was right that I’d post on it.   B – I get to brag about my wonderful bride.

14 February 2009

Hunters R Useless...

Oy. Wonder why I feel useless as a hunter?

Well, for starters, we had a pug for H.Vault this week. Yes'm, amazingly smart raid leader invited 19 DPS, 1 Healer, and 5 Tanks to it... Wow. So what do people start saying? Let's cut by class - there's 4 hunters, so let's drop the one w/ the lowest DPS. Oh, and the other comment? "Drop the hunter, they don't bring any buffs."

ZOMG! Maybe it's just me ranting, but doesn't common sense say we should drop 3 of the tanks to trade them out for healers and DPS? Hmm? Oh yeah, forgot, hunters are useless. So anyway, the hunters start calling out their DPS. 1800 and 2000 were the numbers, and I just kept my mouth shut because there's no way to win the argument. And I ended up doing 2.6k DPS sustained through the boss fight, winding up in the top 3 for DPS. Yeup, useless class right there...

I'm also reminded of fights that the hunter saves the wipe!!!! Only for someone to break CC and put a DoT on the Freezing Trap'd mob...

But you know what kills me? When we pug the last person for OBS/Nax, and they have a spirit beast. Icing on the cake? They have a mod for pet emotes, and have been calling Loque a "cat". And the chocolate on the icing? They don't know how to use a "Hunter's Mark". Aka, they didn't use it at all during the entire 2 raids. And for the cherry on top? Even though I consider myself way undergeared and without a max-DPS pet, I out DPS'd them consistently.

Now, I've spent countless hours for almost 2 months searching for Loque. Haven't seen him at all, nor the other 2 rare spawns. So what does this mean? It's pointless. yes, Loque brings extra DPS to the fight. But it doesn't matter because no one wants to run w/ a hunter anyway. Aka, I feel useless.

So what does this all mean? Well, first, Ogre is going to make fun of me, as usual, lol. Second, I'm nearing the point of just deleting Gal and giving up my 331 achievements. No one wants to run w/ a hunter, everyone calls them useless, and it doesn't matter that our class has both CC and more DPS than most classes. Not to mention the threat mitigation abilities that tanks love. So yes, if my blog drops off the face of the world, it's because I tired of fighting against the classism out there against hunters and deleted my main.

//EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the only things I could roll on in both OBS & Nax were the 2 bag drops in OBS. You know, the 22 slot one and the one that gives extra badges. And I had crap rolls at that. Thus, I could've not been there for the 2 raids, and I still would have had as many drops!

10 February 2009

Y No Posts?

Because our team won 5 out of 9 trophies (3 events) this weekend!

Yes, we took 2 first places, 2 second places, and a 3rd place in the National Toboggan Championships.  We also took a 4th place, but no trophy for that, even though the sled was one 100th of a second behind 3rd place.

So yes, no internet there for a while.  And now a patch day.  Ho hum.


06 February 2009

The Hunter Dance - Part 1

So a little while back, a guildie was in a PuG where the Hunter died before using MD… while pulling the mob…  Is anyone else confused by this?  I mean, how hard is it to cast MD then shoot the mob…  It’s kindov like a buff.  You do it before the fight.  Actually, it’s one of the best buffs around – it’s the “he did it!” buff!  So in light of the incomprehension of how a huntard could shoot first and MD later, here’s how it’s supposed to work.


1. Check to make sure everyone is ready.

2. Cast MD

3. Shoot the (correct) mob 3x (or the correct 3 mobs 1x each) with your biggest shots

4. Resume fight as normal – continue the dance

5. MD again when it comes up if needed, or on other mobs as necessary to help the tank maintain agro.

6. Clean, Rinse, Repeat


And why else do I offer up this advice?  Because (at least half of the time) people are right that if the DPS die, it’s their own fault.  A huntard’s problem is that they’re doing everything wrong anyway, so this doesn’t help, but a hunter’s problem is that they do too much dmg and gain too much threat.  It’s not our fault we’re good at DPS!  But it is our fault if we don’t manage the threat.  Popping an extra MD in the middle of the fight can easily mean the difference between a wipe and a clear.  But the key is to be creative and to think on the fly (hunters have quick reflexes, so I probably don’t need to point out the need for them).  By this, I mean that there are multiple targets to use a MD on…


1. The target with skull marked.

2. The target going after the healer.

3. The stray mob that the tank hasn’t had a chance to agro yet, who will soon go for the healer.

4. The 3 mobs that just joined the fight (or are about to) because of an accidental pat or pull.

5. The mob about to slice through our squishy friends such as mages…


And that’s by no means an exhaustive list, but it gives you an idea of the things running through a hunter’s mind when the MD CD is almost up.  This is just one part of The Hunter Dance and the intricacies (and joys) of playing a hunter.

Guess i'll talk about something else...

Well, I was contemplating posting on Deathtard vs Huntard vs Retardin. I was also thinking about posting on the “Hunter Dance”. But considering the flood of 3.1 posts, I think I hear music, and… yeup! There’s the wagon! So let me first share the changes for us:


  • Consumable ammunition has been removed from the game. Arrows and bullets no longer stack, but are not consumed. Ranged attack speed bonus gained from quivers and ammo bags will be preserved in a different capacity.
  • A new tier of hunter pet talents have been added. In particular, this allows Beastmaster hunters to improve their damage per second (DPS) with their 51 point talent.
  • Hunting Party – this talent has been reduced to 3 ranks and also grants a passive bonus to the hunter.
  • Piercing Shots – this talent has been changed. Your Aimed, Steady and Chimera Shots cause the target to bleed for 10/20/30% of damage dealt for 8 sec.
  • Sniper Training – this talent has been changed. After standing still for 6 sec, you gain a 2/4/6% damage bonus to Steady, Aimed and Explosive Shot.
  • We are also looking to add additional trap functionality to Survival.

(Source) So, what does this all mean? Nothing really. Eyonix even stated, “Please keep in mind, that this list is not at all comprehensive, and subject to change.”. Aka, it will change before it even comes close to the real servers. So why sweat it? I mean, it’s called ammunition. For the last couple millennia, it has been consumable. I mean, sure I’d love to have Legolas’ magic arrows that never disappear or run out… But my bow/gun is not a wand. Sniper training makes sense, but I’m still waiting for hunters to be able to stealth around and stalk their prey!!! No, not like a rogue that sneaks behind you and stabs you in the back, stays hidden and does it repeatedly until you’re a bloody heap when the undead then begins to eat your corpse. I mean, a serious talent would be: the hunter can stealth until they fire their first (or maybe even second) shot when they are then discoverable. Seriously, what hunter runs through the forest crashing about making noise so all the animals see and hear them? The huntard one! Maybe it should be a “Hunter” skill that you have to first prove you’re not a huntard to learn it…….

05 February 2009

When is too many tries too many tries?

I know, just the other day I had a similar post, about when to quit when you hit a wall in a dungeon.  And of course, my friend had similar troubles at the same time, so he had his own thoughts.  And I guess this may also fall along with another recent post, so apparently it’s a random topic on my mind.  But in all honesty, it was a different post that made me realize the connection.

I’ve been searching for Loque’nahak for some time now.  Haven’t seen him, his corpse, or any sign of the other two that spawn in place of him.  So after a month or so of searching, am I ever going to quit?  Probably not.  I mean, it took 9 months to find Snarley’s Bucket.  And I don’t plan on stopping – I do intend to try catching all of them…  So last time we tried again for the Reins of the Raven Lord to no avail.  Am I giving up?  Nope.  We’ve got H. Sethekk down to 35 min if Sthis is resto and ~40 minutes if she’s boomkin.

So what makes any of these things different?  Probably that it only affects myself (and Lady X).  In other words, I don’t mind putting myself through a lot of pain and effort, but hate putting someone else through it.  So if our group is having a real tough time and are continually wiping on the same boss, I don’t want them to suffer through it even though I’m generally game to keep on going.  Well, that and the fact that even though Hunters rock, we can’t do those dungeons by ourselves yet, lol.  Otherwise we might be on try 26…

04 February 2009


So I’ve been thinking for a little while about how do you actually “start” a blog?  Anyone can create one for free.  You can even post content pretty easily.  And some people will find it, generally friends are the quickest to do so.  Google Analytics helps track who visits (sometimes depressing, but it’s been cool to watch the numbers very slowly grow).  But how do you advertise, when you’re really just blogging for fun and don’t intend to drop money into advertising?

Well, the other day I saw a widget on BRK’s site and it piqued my interest.  It was for Entrecard.  Pretty simple little thing – put the widget on your blog, and it creates a network of bloggers.  You can “advertise” on other people’s sites (all adverts must be approved by the blog owner, hence why on my blog you will only see adverts related to my own blog in some manner, such as Gaming, WoW, etc.).  But the other cool thing, is using Entrecard to find other blogs.  Neat way to find new blogs and to get your name out there as well!  So feel free to click the new widget and expand your blog list.  It should be fun to see how word spreads!


After spending hours and hours on something and feeling a sense of accomplishment for it, it’s nice when someone stops and says “wow, that’s cool!” or “where did you get that?!”  or “how can I get one of those?”  Yes, it’s a vanity thing for all of us…

But to be honest, the really cool thing is when you see someone else with the same achievement.  For example, the other day was the first time I came across another person (other than Lady X) who had the Salty title.  He happened to be horde.  Normally I’d see if there was a way to gank him, but instead, I saw the title.  I did a /wave, a /bow, and headed off.  He did a /kneel, and we both /lol and /wave.  I know, a quick little inter-change.  But I’m sure it put a smile on his face, as I know it did myself.  We’ve both traveled the world fishing various types of fish.  We’ve both won the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza.  In fact, we probably competed for it at the same time.  But it’s just plain cool.

And though I would consider that one of my more great achievements, I’m also just as happy when a guildie gets one such as Level 40.  Why?  Because that’s just cool.  It also means they’re one step closer to doing heroic 80’s with me.  And I remember what an achievement it was when I hit 40 on my first char!  Or when you have to ask them if the got an achievement on purpose or on accident…  Always good for a story!

So I know, somewhat random.  But that’s why I try to say things like “cool mount!” to people when I know that they had to do extra work to earn it.  (Yes, I will get that one some day.  We’ve only tried 25 times so far…)

03 February 2009

/fail = + or - ?

So last night’s Heroic Violet Hold run wasn’t all that successful. At like 2300, after our 3rd try on the 2nd boss, we gave up. It always sucks when you have to just decide it’s not going to work. It sucks for a couple reasons…

  1. The instance beat you.

  2. You now have a high repair bill.

  3. You now put extra time into a fight you continually lost.

  4. You don’t get the boss loot (or gold to help w/ the repair bill).

And so on. But you know, it’s good for other reasons…
  1. You now have a lot more experience with that boss and what he does.

  2. You learn the quality of the people you’re in there with, on how they choose to handle the defeat.

  3. When you come back later and smash through the boss with the same group – it feels damn good.

  4. When Bliz comes out with an expansion and you solo the boss out of revenge – if feels even better.

So, probably not too long before we’ll be able to go back and beat the guy. I think it was mostly just a strategy issue, to be honest. And I like the setup of the instance, and how it works, so I’ve no doubt I’ll be back often and have plenty of chances to kill him. However, my guess is we won’t be going there tonight, lol.

02 February 2009

Poor BBB

Poor guy, had trouble w/ RSS & Feedburner & now everyone thinks he disappeared!